Trip Fact

Trip Duration 38 Days
Destination Nepal
Trip Grade Mountaineering
Activity Expedition
Max. Altitude 6,859m. (22,503 ft.)
Accomodation Lodge + Camping
Transportation Private Vehicle / Aeroplane
Meals Breakfast + Lunch + Dinner
Best Season Spring & Autumn
Minimum Pax 2
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Mount Kanti Himal is situated at the north of Mugu village western part of Nepal and there were several peaks range stand but the highest is Kaqur Kangri (6,859m.) only possible to the summit from Tibet side. Mount Kanti Himal climbed one peak of (6, 159m.) by Sadao Yoshinaga - Japanese to the north of the Koji-La and another at (6,300m.) to the south of the Koiji-La. (this pass is high and seldom used today). They ascertained that the main Kanti Himal’s highest summit, known in Tibet as Kaqur Kangri (6,859m.), could not be reached from here and that an expedition from the Tibet side was more likely to succeed. Kanti Himal and Koji Khola valley also explored Julian Freeman-Attwood and team in 2007 to 2009 and climbed the Pk 5,930 meter in the Kanti Himal.

The expedition to Kanti Himal begins from safe landing at Simikot, a hidden valley of North-west Nepal which is also a gateway to holiest place Mt. Kailash. From Simikot the trails approach to North-East about two weeks march –in trek, traversing Mugu Dada (4,987m.) along the Tanke Khola to old Mugu and then beyond old Mugu the trail leads to the east is Koji Khola (4000m.), where we set our temporary camp. The next to Koji Khola is base camp at the (4,650m.), the valley is an old trading route between Mugu and Chantang crossing the border Koji-La. We set our advance camp at Koji-La (5,495m.) and based on weather condition we ascent to Mount Kanti Himal (6,859m.). After attempting the Kanti Himal summit we trek back to Mugu village and following Mugu Karnali via Shailenkharka, Chitai Bagar, Tyar Gompa, Banibas to Gamgadi and Rara Lake, our expedition will be end at Talcha from where we will fly to Nepalgunj and Kathmandu.

  1. If you have your own private group or team, please e-mail us to know the price and details of expedition.
  2. If you are alone and looking for a group to join then visit our fix-departure expedition information.

Detail Itinerary

Departure Detail

Spring Season:
Kathmandu Arrival Date: April 01, 2025
Expedition Fixed Departure Date: April 03, 2025

Autumn Season:
Kathmandu Arrival Date: October 01, 2025
Expedition Fixed Departure Date: October 03, 2025

Extra Cost for High Altitude Climbing Sherpa: USD 1900 for group sharing basis (if required by client)


  • We will provide you the expedition cost as per your size of group or, as per your requirement for the expedition service. We request you to e-mail us or, use "Book Expedition" form for send us your message.
  • Above given cost does not include the climbing Sherpa’s food & fuel, tents, climbing gears and summit bonus above advance base camp.
  • Hiring a high altitude Sherpa cost includes equipment allowances, daily wages, food and fuel up to base camp, insurance, flight from Kathmandu/Nepalgunj/Simikot/Nepalgunj/Kathmandu and sleeping tents at BC etc.

Summit Bonus: Camp 6000m. = USD 500 and over 6000m. to summit= USD 200 = 700 USD extra payable for per climbing Sherpa on the spot.

Start Date End Date Price Season Status Booking
03 October, 2024 05 November, 2024 US$ 7300 ( Upto Basecamp )
Autumn Available Book Now
03 April, 2025 06 May, 2025 US$ 7300 ( Upto Basecamp )
Spring Available Book Now
03 October, 2025 05 November, 2025 US$ 7300 ( Upto Basecamp )
Autumn Available Book Now

Expedition Service includes:

  • All land transportation by Car, Toyota Hiace, Local Jeep or Bus (Airport/Hotel/Airport, expedition pick up and drop).
  • 4 Nights Accommodation in Kathmandu at a tourist class Hotel on bed & breakfast plan as per given itinerary, 1 night at Nepalgunj.
  • Transport as per itinerary for members, staff  and Liaison officer.
  • Transportation of all food and climbing equipments to base camp and back.
  • Kanti Himal Peak permit fee.
  • Full board basis during the trekking.
  • All kitchen equipments; kitchen tent, dining tent, toilet tent, shower tent, chairs and tables at the base camp.
  • Cook and Kitchen boys at the base camp.
  • Base camp tents for members and staff.
  • Per Person 50 KG. Equipment’s luggage/barrels allowed till to Base Camp.
  • Equipment allowance, wages insurance for base camp staff and Liaison officer.
  • Air fare: Kathmandu/Nepalgunj/Talcha/Nepalgunj/Kathmandu, Cargo fees and domestic airport tax.
  • Per Person 40 KG. Expedition equipment’s luggage or, barrels allowed for expedition till Base Camp.
  • Per Person 30 KG. Expedition equipment’s luggage or, barrels is allowed for returned to Kathmandu.
  • Visa extension.
  • National Park Conservation Fee.
  • Satellite phone (Pay calls).
  • 1 Set of Cultural Treks Piosk Oxygen bottle with mask and regulator will be in base camp in case of an emergency.
  • Helicopter rescue insurance for Nepalese staff.
  • Garbage deposit fees.
  • Official tax and agency service charge.

Service does not include:

  • Lunch and dinner during your stay in Kathmandu.
  • Airfare from/to your country.
  • Nepal entry visa fee. (Can be obtained at the airport upon arrival).
  • Hotel after 5 nights stay in Kathmandu.
  • Service above Base Camp.
  • Drinks except tea and coffee.
  • Personal climbing gear and equipment above base camp.
  • Applicable permit fees and customs charges, etc. for SAT phone, Walkie-Talkies, Communication equipment and commercial filming.
  • Oxygen bottle with Mask - regulator for climbing.
  • Climbing Guide (Sherpa).
  • Personal insurance such as travel, accident, medical and emergency evacuation.
  • Nepal custom duty for import of expedition goods arriving to Nepal by air or road.
  • Expenses of personal nature such as drinks, laundry, postage, telephone, etc.
  • International airport departure tax and tourist tax.
  • Tips and summit bonus.

Spring Itinerary

38 Days Trek/Climbing
Included except main meals in Kathmandu
Accommodation: 4 Nights Kathmandu, 1 Nepalgunj and 32 Nights Camping
Recommended Season: Spring, Autumn & Winter

01 April Day 01: Arrival Kathmandu airport (1,350m.), meet our staff and transfer to Hotel.
02 April Day 02: Official work for expedition and briefing at Ministry of Tourism.
03 April Day 03: Kathmandu to Nepalgunj by flight and transfer to Hotel.
04 Day 04: Fly from Nepalgunj to Simikot (2,985m.) 50 minute.
05 April Day 05: Simikot to River Camping (2,100m.).
06 April Day 06: River Camp via Margor Bhanjyang (4,037m.) to Pukha Khola (3,010m.).
07 April Day 07: Pukha Khola - Melchham.
08 April Day 08: Melchham - Chhala.
09 April Day 09: Chhala - Nepka Village (2,580m.).
10 April Day 10: Nepka Village - Lepcha (3,000m.).
11 April Day 11: Lepcha - Chugarchaur (3,500m.).
12 April Day 12: Chugarchaur - Kangla Chaur (4000m.) 4hrs.
13 April Day 13: Kangla Chaur - Riule Piule Chaur (4,560m.).
14 April Day 14: Riule Piule - Dani Odar (3,700m.) 7/8 hrs.
15 April Day 15: Dani Odar - Old Mugu village. 3hrs.
16 April Day 16: Old Mugu - 1st Base Camp  (4000m.).
17 April Day 17: Trek to 2nd Base Camp (4,650m.).
18 April Day 18: Trek to 3rd Advance Camp Koji La (5,495m.).
19 - 26 April Day 19 – 26: Climbing Peroid for Mount Kanti Himal (6,859m.).
20 April - 03 May Day 27 - 33: Trek back to Rara Lake (3,062m.).
04 May Day 34 Rara Lake Rest and ascent upto Murma Hill.
05 May Day 35 Rara Lake - Talcha Airport then transfer to Hotel.
06 May Day 36: Fly back to Nepalgunj and Kathmandu then transfer to Hotel.
07 May Day 37: Free for D-briefing and rest, farewell dinner at evening.
08 May Day 38: Last minute, transfer to airport for your onward journey.

Autumn Itinerary

38 Days Trek/Climbing
Included except main meals in Kathmandu
Accommodation: 4 Nights Kathmandu, 1 Nepalgunj and 32 Nights Camping
Recommended Season: Spring, Autumn & Winter

01 October Day 01: Arrival Kathmandu airport (1,350m.), meet our staff and transfer to Hotel.
02 October Day 02: Official work for expedition and briefing at Ministry of Tourism.
03 October Day 03: Kathmandu to Nepalgunj by flight and transfer to Hotel.
04 October Day 04: Fly from Nepalgunj to Simikot (2,985m.) 50 minute.
05 October Day 05: Simikot to River Camping (2,100m.).
06 October Day 06: River Camp via Margor Bhanjyang (4,037m.) to Pukha Khola (3,010m.).
07 October Day 07: Pukha Khola - Melchham.
08 October Day 08: Melchham - Chhala.
09 October Day 09: Chhala - Nepka Village (2,580m.).
10 October Day 10: Nepka Village - Lepcha (3,000m.).
11 October Day 11: Lepcha - Chugarchaur (3,500m.).
12 October Day 12: Chugarchaur - Kangla Chaur (4000m.) 4hrs.
13 October Day 13: Kangla Chaur - Riule Piule Chaur (4,560m.).
14 October Day 14: Riule Piule - Dani Odar (3,700m.) 7/8 hrs.
15 October Day 15: Dani Odar - Old Mugu village. 3hrs.
16 October Day 16: Old Mugu - 1st Base Camp  (4000m.).
17 October Day 17: Trek to 2nd Base Camp (4,650m.).
18 October Day 18: Trek to 3rd Advance Camp Koji La (5,495m.).
19 - 26 October Day 19 – 26: Climbing Peroid for Mount Kanti Himal (6,859m.).
27 Oct. - 02 Nov. Day 27 - 33: Trek back to Rara Lake (3,062m.).
03 November Day 34 Rara Lake Rest and ascent upto Murma Hill.
04 November Day 35 Rara Lake - Talcha Airport then transfer to Hotel.
05 November Day 36: Fly back to Nepalgunj and Kathmandu then transfer to Hotel.
06 November Day 37: Free for D-briefing and rest, farewell dinner at evening.
07 November Day 38: Last minute, transfer to airport for your onward journey.

Mountain Info

    Kanti Himal
    6,859m. (22,503 ft.)
    Latitude: 29º 45’ 57” N  
    82º 45’ 06”E
    Trip Duration: 38 Days
    Normal Ascent Route: Normal route
    First Ascent: by Japanese and Nepalese team on September 24, 2002.
    Easiest Route: Normal Route
    Grade: Mountaineering
    Caravan Route: Kathmandu – Nepalgunj - Mugu - Kanti Himal Base Camp - Mugu - Nepalgunj - Kathmandu

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